Monday, March 16, 2009

Good Bye BattleStation...

Finally the time has come .I have overpowered the ring !
I don't know how to write it all but believe me I shall not hide anything. It's been building up for last few months, but every time the ring overpowered me .I had a change of heart. You can't imagine the extent I got addicted to battlestation, but today when I received the grade sheet of well below average, I knew the time has come. To give you an idea:- out of 48 hrs this weekend I spend more than 24 hr on Battlestation. I don't know exactly why I am writing this but than still I will .Let me recount how I joined battlestation.It was last semester summer vaccation. I would daily go to work on my site as an intern and return in the evening. Had nothing to do for the night and all. Than came one of my friend and said ... "Ramu: Let me tell you a very good game, it's easy . It is amazing. BATTLESTATION. All you have to do is this this and this...". This way I joined battlestation using his INVITE LINK.He asked to explain me about the rules and tactices ... but I said "NO, I shall read it myself !". THe jourey had began. I read everything I could find on the very same night. Went around all the port and made an excel sheet of all available items the next day. I found the wiki within first few weeks and read most of the pages (accept related to clan ) line by line. Yes I love learning things myself and fast. Those were the days when quests was not there. THose were the days when there was only one training clan .NIMBUS ( now woh ). I started learning BS really fast ... "by myself". To be precise, I didn't had an account on facebook befor I joined this game. All my friends are on . I login to Facebook Just to play battlestation. My friend had joined LOL Goatz clan . I choosed NIMBUS after reading all the clan group pages, obviously it was the only clan soley for the purpose of training. Once I joied NIMBUS, I realized that clan war would not be feasible till at-least level 40 . Those days were so good, my friend would tell that "experienced player had told him that you should be levelling 1 by each day in 30s." .Yes I levelled much faster than that. When I was around 35, the idea of missiling came to myself and I bought 4 aerial mines . I would sink virtually everyone in 2 attack without getting any damaze to my ship most of the time.This got a good heap of gold collected with me for that level. I was so impressed with this strategy that I mailed my CM Michael Lee to DO message me everytimg there was a clan war. I told him that I am so good for this and this .. I have 5 Hand of justice... LOL.... I was a noob of clan war ! Suddenly few things changed. Our anothr CM Danial Ackabar was accused of cheating ( multi transfer ) and he left the game. Than since our clan started loosing the grip. Michael Lee's time was not synronised with me so I would miss most of the clan war. Though I was one of the most active member of the Group. Things changed so bad that he became the target of bottom feeding accusations in Lower Tiar. That was not the case by any means. So michael Lee decided to leave us as well .... shit .... that was the last thing I wanted. I was level 63 than and the game highest was around 90. Michael send a group message saying "clan master tryouts". He set the criteria of a minimum of level 70 and active membership. I didn't satisfy the level criteria, still I thought to give it a try . I replied back with details account of being most active member and suggestions regarding time based CM ship and all the thing I had learned by than. Here was the result. I was a CLAN MASTER before even attending 20 clan wars. Though I knew of all the tactices and stufs. I and my "friend" who introduced Battlestatio to me were the "Asian Zone" CMs , Alon and Jason American Zone and Kevin Europian zone. Those were one of the most exciteng days of my BS life.Those were the days when the only way to get APs was the hourly regeneration and very few through survays. Those were the days when OCHO was not there. The one in the top rankings were really knowledgeble enough, rather than having accoumulatd Brute Strength. Everyone old enough must be knowing of Michael Lee's comprensive BS guide. Once coming back to the clan point.... as Michael had instructed to kick out all in-active , I preferred to keep them .. I always triend to get them to the clan war rather than expelling them. Only those members were kicked out who had not logged in for more than 45 days !.Than came quests... The most hateful thing I find in this game. I hate them even more than OCHOs. Wanna know the reason why ?? Well, to be honest Quests are the most efficient way of gainng XP and Gold upto level 95 to be minimum. I believe that anyone who says to low level gusy that "clan war give good xp" is a plain illusion at low level ( You could escape encounters those days ) .. Yes the clan war is more fun and all but It's not the best way of Levelling up. Don't say you sink defenders and get twice xp. Sinking of defenders by low level guys is too rare an event. Than you ask them to go 50 speed and hit the FORT ! .Well for that purpose I actively encouraged my clan mates to do quests. I wanted "allready member" to gather enough power rather than hiring fresh members. We kinda quested for 2 months. By now I was so much involved in battlestatio that I would read each and every post I could on community. There were few developments going on in parallel like cooper coins and all, don't remember the precise sequence of events. Than came a time I had to go to my native home for vaccation and internet connection was not there. I coudn't miss battlestation for so long. I wanted to be part of it. I was familier with simulator by than, so I though why not make an online version of this ! I wanted to contribute back to the game I loved so much. I have always been good at programming and love doing things. SO I started learing about web desiging. I started learing HTML and JavaScript. If you look at my google search history, you would find more than 50% of the stuff related to this learning curve I was on. I learned so many things. I learned a bit of PHP. I learned a bit of flash. I learned JQuery, CSS and so many things.... Most recent of them being python programming language and google app eninge. I factoured out that to save the builds online I had to have some sort of login system . I searched again on net and bla bla bla... Why not use facebook for the same. So I learned to
code Facebook Application ! You see how deep I went into.But than everything has a dark side, all these things I learned for were taking too much of my time. My grades in the class started detoriating. My social activities came to a minimum. Most importantly I realiezed that I could use all these knowledge to SCRIPT ! .I have been long hearing of scripting . Remember that scripter who got multiple event monster sink in 1 weekend and clan war sinks and all ........ I forgot his name. He gave me the "line" of what could be done . I again started searching and learing from that point of view. I made some really good scripts... Including that simulator, noob spies, and navigation macros. I was gettting even more and more addicted to this game battlestation. I had explored teretary very few had. I wouldn't hide anything now. I regret all this too much and I am happy that finally I got rid of all this. Actually OCHOs were the much bigger motivation to script things. I knew I will never have one, but everytime I encounted an ochoer and lost , It erode my determination about playing this game honestly. Yes I didn't script for too long even if I could. but now I wouldn't hide anything. I will write everything before I finally de-activate my facebook account. So here goes the most recent version of my script :It works only in firefox. Please understand that the technology behind is very sensitive. It will ask you to allow the script for cross frame scripting.Please please don't do that on any unknown site . If you allow that kind of request than you are seriously making a big hole in your internet security. Once allowed It can be used to read all your facebook,google and any kind of data from any site you are logged in. THough the permission cease once you close the browser. Proceed on your own risk. I assure you I have nothing malacious in MY code. 2ndly I am making this availabe only temporarily since i am leaving battlestation and want everyhing behind my mind to be out and clean.Actually I was halfway making a general version for all once I learn enough about server side programming, wish I could complete this before leaving. Here it goes with the primilinary version of online simulator .Again works only in firefox.

1. My nevigation script :

2. My simulator :

3. Fortwatch for all :

4. My noob spy detector :

Anyone willing to continue work on online simulator, please save the code if you want. And LL you have got to do something to stop this kinda scripts. I don't know how to do this but I am sure there are few who are scripting things, and the reason I am making them public . SO this was all about my script . I have still few things left to talk to you. First of all my multies. Well the story is little bit interesting.I was in my 70s when I wanted to bid for something in the market. It's average cost in the market was 80,000 Gold . I had been saving for an el-toro for too long . Anyone here who have bought it from the market before quests and ocho came know the value . So I was bidding for some item of 80k and .....shit man ... I put an extra zero. It became 800,000. I screamed, cried wept ... but than what was gone was gone for all . That was the moment I knew I have to have a multi to save my in this kinda situations . Though It never happened again . My multi was Explorer Gadaha ..... sorry RAGE, I planted it in your clan for few weeks. I could have planted it in any clan I wanted to but NO... I wanted to hear agian from Michael Lee, the guy I consider best in this game. I swear I tried to help to the maximum I could . My multi had a very few HP but no .. I always went sucidal on the opposite clan on your behalf .. That is kind of my nature . I am always loyal to my clan . 2 of my mate whom Michael awared the responsitibilty of being CM left NIMBUS but I never had a thought to leave . I loved you NIMBUS , the only clan i was associated with .... even thogh most of NIMBUS mates wouldn't join to clan war. I always welcomed you . Don't consider this as lines of self appraisal please , there are a number of clan warrers in sios who never left their first clan no matter how It performed. THere are people who love their clan and will do anything for it. I am sure.

THere are still few things I got to share with all before I leave.Firstly the market.
Surprisingly yesterday I found out a flaw in the system which will still allow multi transfer ! Yes it was yesterday night only. I hope LL would do something to fix it soon. Here goes the trick .... So there are generally 1000 items in the market. Let's say you wanna transrfer gold using missile Diska .There are 5 of them in the market. Well ... now what you have to don is prepare a list of all those 1000 items sequently ! if you have got enough guts than you can do it manually. For me, by late night I had succufully written an script which would scan the whole market for you and prepare the list just by 1 click.It took it usually 3 min to do so with my connection speed. Now you put your Diska into the market . Now there are 6 of them. You can see all of them but any other account can see only 5 since your missile haven't came yet to the market. Now if you prepare the list again and compare both the list, you know precisely which one is your's ! and what are the sequenct befor and after that.Now whenever it comes to market ( visible to your multi ) , you agian prepare the series and find out that sequence.THere may be other Diskas which may have landed in the markety by this time but from your sequence you know precisely which one is yours...bla.... bla...bla... I successfully tracked one of my items using this technique . But than I will not hide any sort of cheating I did or I could. 2ndly : LL you have still not followed the advices of last scripter to make the communication between server and flash player secure. This has exposed some funny loopholes. Like just by installing firebug mediater .. I can see the builds past thogh those fancy skins ! Infact why on earth your flash player still download the parts when they are hidden by skins. ! YOu could deffinately have saved some bandwidth on your server by doing so.Adding to that even the way replays are saved is riddiculas. Anyone with enough knowhow of how to send a POST request can ( theoreticall , I haven't done that yet )... save any kind of replay like windrider with 9 ruby rays sinking and 1000000000k NPC in 1 go with silliest of end of replay dialoge. Put it in practical terms and you could be easily be accused of "under the table" when you haven't done anything.Moreover even the trial version of the flash decompilers tell me the numbers/names behind your code. Nothing is encripted there , atleast it should have been obsfunced... . One can easily download all the saved replays using hid and prepare a database . I guess this is how last scripter could see the anyone's builds.

Anything else ... Hammm ... Nothing ... My mind is empty now. I have told you guys all that can be done or I have done/cheated. I am sorry if I hurt anyone in this long period of 1 year .Now again I don't know what to write. Literally I am weeping when I look back at how much time I spend/wasted on battlestation. I learned a lot of things for it and missed a lot.
My grades had never been so low in my life. :( but still in this last post I will give special thanks to Adrian , Michael Lee, Alan Hsu, Kevin Vielswiki,Lisa, tim86, Alon Wilson, Soul eater, Kevin Kostly ,LL and my *friend* TY. Ohhh I haven't written some of my minor contributions to BS.. 1. A minor bug fix in Market 2. Now you can put any link as your chat link against those early meebo days .. yes I made that suggestion first. and most recently dis-appearing of scrolbars ! Timothy , Max Power and jamie had been fun as well . Ohhhhh and I will never forget the lines from Bram .... "what's the point of continuing to play the game when the goals and motivation are lost ".I shall de-activate my facebook account after few days, all ready removed all friends and posts... I don't know what shall happed to my posts once I do so .. so I thougt I would write
in a Google Doc. To all the upcomig wired replies , mostly flamatory in nature... feel free tospeak up your mind. I feel sorry to myself for all the things I did and wasted my time... I am sure this game would continue without me as it is has been without many of very old players. but than I have spoken up everything I could remember.I swear myself guity of scripting and cheateing. .There is nothing to hide now from you ... nothing secret ..... nothing Under The Table.

My heart is light and warm again....

Good Bye Battlestation !
Engineer ramu